Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Poetry Prescription

Sarahs 's entry today has, in a sense, opened up a new door. I like poetry, but usually from afar. It reminds me of the way I feel about fruit. Okay, I know that makes no sense, but let me explain. I am never inclined to reach for an apple or a banana. If, however, someone else cuts up the fruit and makes a lovely fruit salad, well that is a different story.

It's the same way with poetry. I do not normally reach for a book of verse. But again, if someone reads me a beautiful poem, I do appreciate the blend and rhythm of the words. Recently my friend Robin recently let me read her lovely poetry. It was very moving. She has a gift and I hope she takes it to the world.

I am going to take Sarah's prescription. On Tuesday when I visit the library, I will bring home a book of verse. I will read a poem a day. I will commit a verse to memory. Why? Not only to begin appreciating the beauty of poetry, but also because Sarah says "it can induce a sense of serenity". I'm all for that!

Until tomorrow,


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