Thursday, August 27, 2009

Meditative Handwork

Note: If you are joining us for the first time, we are reading (in many cases rereading) Simple Abundance...A Daybook of Comfort and Joy by Sarah Ban Breathnach.

Yes, I know what Sarah is talking about regarding how busying your hands can quiet your mind. Whenever I need a therapeutic activity, I turn to knitting. The funny part is, I am not really any good at it. Basically, it doesn't matter. I move my fingers along...knit, purl, knit, purl establishing a rhythm that calms my mind.
Additionally I like keeping a basket of pretty colored yarns around the house. Just looking at the mix of blends and hues is relaxing. Sometimes while knitting I entertain the possibility of making gifts for the family. Then I giggle and remind myself of my attempts at creating something wonderful. Believe me, a scarf or a simple hat, well that's my limit. I do not think I'll be producing any beautiful angora sweaters like my mother-in-law used to. She was a PRO! As for me, whenever I've attempted such a project my therapeutic hobby turns into a nightmare of frustration. Yep, I've learned to keep it simple...knit, purl, knit, purl.
At one point I did take a jewelry class and turned out a few bracelets. It was fun, but lacked the ability to put me in the meditative trance Sarah speaks of.
What does it for you my friends? Any basket weavers out there? I cannot imagine doing that, but truly admire people who do.
Whatever it is, Sarah's on to something here. If your hands are busy perhaps others won't interrupt you while you let your mind wander off on vacation!
Happy crafting,

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