Saturday, August 29, 2009

Artists of Everyday: Loving, Knowing, Doing

Note: If you are joining us for the first time, we are reading (in many cases rereading) Simple Abundance...A Daybook of Comfort and Joy by Sarah Ban Breathnach.
What a lovely entry. I could not agree with Sarah more. We are all brilliant gifted artists of everyday life. With each day we love, bless , help and support our families and those around us. The art is in the special Have you ever put love in a meatloaf? I have, and no doubt you have too.
My husband, bless his heart, puts love into making a bed. Sometimes I just watch him in awe. He fluffs the pillows in a special way. He makes certain every fold is done correctly and that the skirt is always set just right. Yep, that's love. Lately he has been turning the bed down for me. I delight in that. The simple act of preparing the bed has love written all over it.
My hairstylist told me the other day that her husband always makes the coffee and brings it to her in bed at the start of the day. I am sure he puts love into the brew.
So my friends, the next time you think you have no creative abilities, that you are not an artist, think again. Think about the cupcakes you made for your son's class, the button you sewed on your husband's shirt, the card you sent to encourage a friend. That's the art of love.
I'm not making a meatloaf tonight. My husband went out and picked up a pizza. That's love too!

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