Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Comfort Found in Good Old Books

Sarah's journal today touches on book browsing as a "medatative art." I agree with Sarah, when I am book browsing I am happy and at peace. I love to meander up and down the isles, letting my mind explore the possibilities.

You know, as much as I love reading, I am amazed that I have never joined a book club. When I realized after my first post that two of my friends dusted off their copies and are reading along with me, I was delighted. It appears we have a virtual book club started. Ah, the amazing possibilities of blogging!

I find it interesting that Sarah talks about finding comfort in old books while we now journey together down the path of finding comfort in her book for the next year.

Thanks Carol and Carol for joining up as we read, reflect and discuss the entries. I wonder who else we'll meet along the way?

Looking forward to meeting you on blogger and hearing your thoughts tomorrow,


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