Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Eye of The Beholder

Reading from Simple Abundance: August 24th

Art is the subject of Sarah's entry today. Right out of the gate she mentioned one of my favorite female artists, Georgia O'Keeffe. Two years ago my husband and I visited Santa Fe (a place on my bucket list). Yes, New Mexico is indeed O'Keeffe country. We celebrated my birthday that year by visiting the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum. It was a truly memorable experience.

I so love it when you can get more insight into the life of the artist. To my delight there was a narrated film about Georgia's life and art. She was one determined woman. When she graduated from high school in 1905, she set her sights on making her way in the art world. She knew she had talent and showed it to the world. I adore her paintings of flowers and her abtract images.

Beyond the art, I love what Georgia represents. She made her way in the world at a time when most women were forced into very narrow traditional roles. Just think my friends, women were not even given the right to vote in this country until 1919. And yet, in spite of the times, Georgia brought a certain art style to America and went on to influence the European art world. Imagine the power of her talent and fortitude!

Okay I am putting her on the list of my heroines and role models. What about you my reader friends? Who is your favorite artist? Your favorite medium? What about your own creative endeavors? Chime in.
P.S. By the way, for your visual pleasure I have uploaded one of Georgia's beautiful paintings.
P.P.S. My friend Jeanie tells me I am a day off in following the reading of the day. Thanks Jeanie for pointing that out. Tomorrow...two entries and we'll be on track. What would I do without my dear friends to help and guide me?

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