Friday, August 28, 2009

Home Art

Note: If you are joining us for the first time, we are reading (in many cases rereading) Simple Abundance...A Daybook of Comfort and Joy by Sarah Ban Breathnach.

I must admit, Sarah and I totally part ways when it comes to the pleasures of creating home art. I have never refurbished a piece of furniture, sewn a pillow or macramed. But I can glue. What has glue got to do with home art? The only home craft I can take credit for are my plates. I shop for interesting plates and glue them to interesting glasses. You would really have to see them to appreciate it. Sorry, I do not have a picture of one.

My favorite room in our home is my office. I love the furniture and what I call my "window on the world" When I gaze out the window I can see the swans playing in the lake. I thank Pottery Barn for the furniture and God for the beautiful white swans. The only way I have influenced this room is by hanging pictures that I did not paint.

I can arrange flowers. Do you think that counts?

Short entry today...must be due to lack of artistic ability.

I'll meet you here tomorrow,


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