Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Traveling On Business

Note: If you are joining us for the first time, we are reading (in many cases rereading) Simple Abundance...A Daybook of Comfort and Joy by Sarah Ban Breathnach
As much as I love Sarah's wisdom, I did find myself rather hysterical reading today's entry. Breakfast in bed??? Who is she kidding? I do not think she worked in Corporate America.
My business trips, especially traveling back East meant jet lag. I could never fall to sleep at night then had a hard time getting up in the morning. There was always an early breakfast meeting. Who had time to order up room service and enjoy quiet time? Meetings went well into the evening which meant straight to dinner with the group. No freshen up time. (Yes, it did pay to travel with mints and a toothbrush in your purse.)
Getting back to the hotel after long days and dinners did not necessarily mean immediate R&R. Someone always had a request for additional information, etc. This mean working an hour or so before Jay Leno came on. Still on West coast time I could not sleep. The gym was closed by then so there was no time to try and wear off the caloric content consumed at dinner.
Sightseeing? Only if I could have stayed on a day longer on my dime. That never happen either due to duties at home to rush back to.
The bottom line on business travel...make the most if it. Enjoy the change of scenery. And, if you find time for breakfast in bed, I applaud you!!!

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