Thursday, September 24, 2009

Do What You Love and the Money Will Follow...Or So They Say

Note: If you are joining us for the first time, we are reading (in many cases rereading) Simple Abundance...A Daybook of Comfort and Joy by Sarah Ban Breathnach

Reading for September 24th - Note: I hope you are still reading along. I apologize for the hit or miss blogging as of late.

I was talking to a young mother the other day. She shared with me her aspirations. She was studying for a career in the ministry while continuing to hold onto her "day job. " Additionally she does a great job of executing the roles of wife and mother. Wow...a superwoman hero. I fill with delight whenever I hear of someone following their true passion while keeping everything else in motion. Tell me that's not dedication!

Doing what you love, and actually getting paid for it is in my opinion, the best way to live out loud with purpose and meaning. I remember the time my first client paid me for a coaching session. It was truly living the dream!

Sometimes, the getting paid for it part, is not important. While on a short getaway with my husband, I purchased a key chain proclaiming my profession. As I paid the cashier she inquired if I was the coach. When I replied that I was, she asked for my card. I encouraged her to check out my website to see what other people had to say about me. She liked my name and said she wished she were "Sunny." I sensed her sadness.

I do not know whether or not she will contact me, but in the meantime I am sending up little prayers. I hope she will work through whatever is making her sad. I pray her load with be lightened. So, it doesn't matter in this case if I ever make a nickel, I just want to continue to pray that someday soon she will feel "Sunny."

More tomorrow....Sunny

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