Monday, September 14, 2009

Giving Yourself Credit

Note: If you are joining us for the first time, we are reading (in many cases rereading) Simple Abundance...A Daybook of Comfort and Joy by Sarah Ban Breathnach

It is interesting that my thoughts on what Sarah wrote in the journal for September 13th (yesterday) is more or less what she is writing about today. She calls it the "Climbing Bear Syndrome." That means you keep scaling those mountains, one after another, without taking the time to enjoy and appreciate what you have worked so hard to accomplish. Rather than just writing down her achievements, as I suggested in my last post, Sarah went the extra mile. She dug out her favorite memorabilia and had it framed.

I have often thought of doing just that when I climbed the corporate ladder. You know, frame my business cards and watch the progression indicated by the titles. Admittedly I have retained all those cards and just may do that someday.

In the meantime, I do think I'll go out and get that special bottle of champagne (I LOVE champagne!) pop the top and celebrate my achievements! How about you? Doesn't it sound like a good way to say "atta girl"?

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