Sunday, September 13, 2009

Thoughts on Success

Note: If you are joining us for the first time, we are reading (in many cases rereading) Simple Abundance...A Daybook of Comfort and Joy by Sarah Ban Breathnach

Sarah says that "few women believe they are successful because they do not feel successful." I deal with this in a class I teach. I believe the issue is women are taught to be modest. It can be difficult for us to toot our own horn. Grandstanding is rather foreign to us. We need to work on this! Maybe instead of being good little girls and pouring over our gratitude journals, we should be noting our daily successes. Perhaps once it is in writing we will believe it.
So here is a challenge for you. Do it! Right now write down five things that you have done successfully in the past month. Once you have done that, give yourself a huge pat on the back. Smile, revel in it, savor it, but most of all BELIEVE IT!!!

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